Superrare Systems Status

Superrare Systems Status

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1h 40m
Artist Profiles Showing 404s

Users are currently unable to load profiles and are instead getting our 404 notice

Issue investigation: Our engineering team is investigating (19:30 — Jun 13)
Continuing investigation: We have figured out that this issue is intermittent, and we are still working on a fix (19:56 — Jun 13)
Issue identification: Our engineering team has identified an outage from a third-party vendor that is affecting our system. We are working on a workaround. (20:28 — Jun 13)
Issue update: Our engieering team has tracked the third-party issue to a major incident at AWS affecting many services and providers involving degredation to at least AWS CloudFormation, AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon Connect. We are still working on a workaround. (20:35 — Jun 13)
Fix identified: Our engineering team has created a workaround and is working hard to test and deploy it. (20:43 — Jun 13)
Fix deployed: Our engineering team has deployed a fix and the issue is being actively monitored. (20:55 — Jun 13)
Issue resolution: After actively monitoring, we have determined that this issue is now resolved. (21:10 — Jun 13)




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